MSP Audio MTurk Survey

Multimodal Signal Processing Audio MTurk Survey

  • Here are the rules for the survey, follow these to ensure payment:

  • This study involves a web-based experiment designed to develop robust speech-centered affective computing technology. The study is being conducted by PI Carlos Busso of The University of Texas at Dallas, and it has been approved by The University of Texas at Dallas Institutional Review Board. No deception is involved, and the study involves no more than minimal risk to participants (i.e., the level of risk encountered in daily life).

  • Participation in the study typically takes 30 seconds per video and is strictly anonymous. Participants begin by listening a video, perceiving the emotional content, and annotating the emotional content using questionnaires.

  • All responses are treated as confidential, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified. Rather, all data will be pooled and published in aggregate form only. Participants should be aware; however, that the experiment is not being run from a \"secure\" https server of the kind typically used to handle credit card transactions, so there is a small possibility that responses could be viewed by unauthorized third parties (e.g., computer hackers). Your Mechanical Turk Worker ID will be used to distribute payment to you but will not be stored with your survey responses/data. Please be aware that your MTurk Worker ID can potentially be linked to information about you on your Amazon public profile page, depending on the settings you have for your Amazon profile. We will not be accessing any personally identifying information about you that you may have put on your Amazon public profile page. We may also contact you in the future to invite you to participate in future evaluations.

  • Many individuals find participation in this study enjoyable, and no adverse reactions have been reported thus far.

  • Participation is voluntary refusal to take part in the study involves no penalty or loss of benefits to which participants are otherwise entitled, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which they are otherwise entitled.

  • If participants have further questions about this study, they may contact the Principal Investigator, Carlos Busso at ( Participants who want more information about their rights as a participant or who want to report a research related concern may contact The University of Texas at Dallas Institutional Review Board at (972) 883-4579.
  • If you are 18 years of age or older, understand the statements above, and freely consent to participate in the study, click on the \"I Agree\" button to begin the experiment.

I have read the above statements and wish to continue this survey

Send any questions you have to


Survey Reached On Sep 19, 2024
At 21:07:32